Fine ceramics

By Material

Ceramics with low optical penetration

Low Volume-scattering Technical Ceramics
Low volume-scattering ceramics for optical measurement / inspection applications

Product overview

Ultra-low thermal expansion ceramics

NEXCERA is a ultra-low thermal expansion ceramic with a cordierite (2MgO-2Al2O3-5SiO2) base. It is characterized by demonstrating the zero expansion at near room temperatures, and has higher strength and toughness than low thermal expansion glass. This enables applications in designs more complicated than could be achieved previously.

Product overview

Non-oxide engineering ceramics

Silicon nitride type ceramics have high strength as high temperatures and 1/10 of the thermal expansion of iron at room temperature.
Product overview
Silicon carbide
Silicon carbide
In addition to light weight and high stiffness, this material demonstrates high creep resistance and has high thermal conductivity with electrical conduction.
Product overview
Boron carbide
Boron carbide
High hardness approaching that of diamond or c-BN. This material also has extremely high toughness and high wear resistance.
Product overview
Aluminum nitride
Aluminum nitride
With excellent thermal conductivity, heat shock resistance and electrical insulation, this material has thermal expansion similar to silicon.
Product overview

Oxide engineering ceramics

A very well balanced generic high purity material with strength, electrical insulation and wear resistance.
Product overview
The highest toughness of all ceramics the wear resistance of a highly strong material.
Product overview
This material has low thermal expansion, low thermal conduction and is strong against thermal shock as well.
Product overview

Machinable ceramics

Macerite series
Macerite series
These ceramics feature excellent machinability. Well suited to production of various kinds in small lots, this material is able to support rapid delivery for test or R&D components.
Macerite ET
Macerite SP
Macerite HSP
Macerite PN
Macerite CE
Product overview
Boron nitride type, Aluminum nitride type, Porous
We supply a wide array of machinable ceramics including Non-oxide ceramics such as boron nitride.
BN N-1
Product overview

Application Products

Measurement equipment standards using the dimensional stability of NEXCERA.
Optical mirrors
NEXCERA can be given a mirror finish. It features low thermal expansion and high aging and thermal stability making it well suited to optical mirror applications.
Electrostatic chuck
Our fine ceramic electrostatic chucks are made with our unique materials and machining technology.
Vacuum chuck
Porous ceramic chucking plates using vacuum chucking for materials such as wafers and thin films.
Probe card micro hole machining product
High precision hole diameter and hole position treatment for machinable ceramics as parts for semiconductor inspection devices.
Air stage
Air stage structure design, production and functional inspection based on our wealth of experience.
Ultrasound transducer alignment materials
We have a lineup of various ceramics materials for calibrating ultrasound probes.
  • Standards
  • Optical mirrors
    Optical mirrors
  • Vacuum chuck
    Vacuum chuck
  • Electrostatic chuck
    Electrostatic chuck

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